
Global Market Data Updates

New data insights from insurance markets around the world.

Updated information (from 1st-30th September 2024)

Global Statistics

Axco Global Statistics have been updated with new quarterly or annual data in the following countries:

Angola Denmark* Hong Kong Netherlands Sweden*
Austria Dominican Republic Hungary Norway^ Taiwan
Belarus Finland Ireland* Paraguay United States of America
Cameroon Gabon Italy Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands
Cape Verde Georgia Japan& Qatar Zambia
Chile Greece Moldova Sri Lanka  

* Non-life (P&C) only
^ Life & Benefits only

Data Dashboards

Axco's Distribution Channels & Reinsurance Data Dashboard(s) has been updated for the following countries:

Australia^ Cambodia Netherlands* Singapore^  
Benin Egypt New Zealand^ Sweden^  
Brunei^ Guatemala Poland^ Turkiye^  

* Non-life (P&C) only
^ Life & Benefits only

Axco's Insurer Performance Data Dashboard(s) has been updated for the following countries:

Bangladesh* Ecuador* Israel Portugal Turkiye*
Denmark Egypt* Kazakhstan* Russia*  
Dominican Republic* Indonesia* Luxembourg Singapore  

* Non-life (P&C) only
^ Life & Benefits only

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